本人有幸與亞洲鼻整天王 心美眼診所的鄭東學教授(Hak-jung Dong)
1. The 3rd TSGH Rhinoplasty Course - Taipei / Oct. 24-25, 2009
2. 2010 TAFPRS Spring Meeting - Taipei / May. 30, 2010
3. The 4th TSGH Rhinoplasty Course - Taipei / Sep. 11-12, 2010
4. The 7th International Symposium of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Chiayi / Oct. 22-24, 2011
5. Advances in Facial Plastic Surgery & Rhinoplasty - Hong Kong / Dec. 7-9, 2011
6. VII International Congress - Nose & Face World - Rome, Italy / May 9-12, 2012
7. International Master Course on Aging Skin - Hong Kong / Oct. 4-6, 2012
8. TAFPRS 2012 - Taichung / Oct. 5-7, 2012
9. The 7th TSGH Rhinoplasty Course - Taipei / Mar. 23-25, 2013
10. 2013 Spring Meeting of TAFPRS - Taichung / Jun. 23, 2013
11. 12th Annual International Rhinoplasty Course - Makati / Jul. 6-7, 2013
12. IMCAS Asia 2013 - Singapore / July 27-29, 2013
13. 2013 顏面微整形及鼻整形重建大體實作手術研討會 - Tainan / Sep. 14-15, 2013
14. 2013 TAFPRS Annual Meeting - Taipei / Dec. 7-8, 2013
15. 2013 Kang-Ning Rhinoplasty Symposium & Live Surgery Demonstration
- Taipei / Dec. 26-27, 2013
16. 2nd Taiwan Dermatology Aesthetic Conference Taiwanese Dermatological Association Spring Meeting 2014 - Kaohsiung / May 3-4, 2014
17. 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery - New York / May 27-31, 2014
18. 13th Annual International Rhinoplasty Course - Manila / Jul. 7-8, 2014
19. IMCAS Asia 2014 - Hong Kong / Aug. 1-3, 2014
20. The 8th TSGH Rhinoplasty Course - Taipei / Aug. 15-16, 2014
21. 萬芳醫學中心全院演講 - 現代鼻整形 - Taipei / Oct. 17, 2014
22. 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 - Asian rhinoplasty symposium - Taipei / Nov. 15-16, 2014
23. 第十六屆海峽兩岸微整形學術論壇 - "客製化"鼻整形 - Taipei / Apr. 26, 2015
24. The 9th TSGH Rhinoplasty Course - Taipei / May. 30-31, 2015
25. 第一屆海峽兩岸美容整形學術研討會 - "當代"鼻整形術 - Taipei / Apr. 26, 2015
26. 長庚紀念醫院嘉義分院全院演講 & 鼻整形 "手術示範" - Chiayi / Jul. 23, 2015
27. IMCAS Asia 2015 - Bali / Jul. 31- Aug. 2, 2015
28. 2015 TAAMS Annual Conference - Taipei / Aug. 22-23, 2015
29. 2015 Rhinoplasty Fresh Cadaveric Dissection Workshop - Taipei / Aug. 28-29, 2015
30. 2015 Cadaver Aesthetic Dissection on Facial Anatomy - Taipei / Sep. 5, 2015
31. 第十八屆海峽兩岸微整形學術研討會 - Taipei / Sep. 20, 2015
32. AAFPRS 2015 Fall Meeting - " Tailor-made " Rhinoplasty - Dallas / Oct 1-3, 2015
33. TAFPRS Annual Meeting - Taipei / Nov. 1, 2015
34. 受邀Volvo汽車"純淨車室"原廠座談會演講 - Taipei / Nov. 23, 2015
35. 2016 IMCAS 18th Annual World Congress - Paris / Jan. 28-31, 2016
36. 振興醫院全院演講 - Rhinoplasty Update - Taipei / Feb. 17, 2016
37. 2016 TAFPRS Spring Meeting & TSGH Rhinoplasty
Course - Feature on Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty - Taipei / Mar. 20, 2016
38. 8th World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery - Faces of the World
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / May 11-14, 2016
39. 2016 VGH Rhinoplasty Dissection Course
- Taipei / Jun. 26, 2016
